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Co 2 Can 5l Va 3l Lam The Nao Dje Djong Djuoc 1l

How to Measure 1 Liter Using Two Cans With 5-Liter and 3-Liter Capacities


Measuring exact amounts of liquid is essential in various settings, including cooking, baking, and scientific experiments. Often, we may not have measuring cups or graduated cylinders readily available, especially when working with larger volumes. In such situations, it becomes necessary to find creative ways to measure specific quantities using available containers. One common scenario involves determining how to measure 1 liter using two cans with capacities of 5 liters and 3 liters, respectively. This problem requires a systematic approach and an understanding of volume displacement to find the solution.

Step-by-Step Guide

To measure 1 liter using two cans with 5-liter and 3-liter capacities, follow these steps: 1. **Fill the 5-liter can completely with water.** 2. **Pour water from the 5-liter can into the 3-liter can until it is full.** 3. **Empty the 3-liter can.** 4. **Pour the remaining water in the 5-liter can into the 3-liter can again.** 5. **Fill the 5-liter can with water once more.** 6. **Pour water from the 5-liter can into the 3-liter can until it is full.** 7. **The remaining water in the 5-liter can will be exactly 1 liter.**


This method relies on the principle of volume displacement to measure 1 liter. By repeatedly pouring water between the two cans, we effectively create a system of equations that allows us to isolate the unknown volume, which is the amount of water needed to fill the 5-liter can three times. Mathematically, the steps can be represented as follows: * Let x represent the amount of water needed to fill the 5-liter can three times. * After pouring water from the 5-liter can into the 3-liter can once, we have 5 - 3 = 2 liters of water in the 5-liter can. * After emptying the 3-liter can and pouring the remaining water from the 5-liter can into it again, we have 2 + 3 = 5 liters of water in the 5-liter can. * After filling the 5-liter can again and pouring water into the 3-liter can until it is full, we have 5 - 3 = 2 liters of water in the 5-liter can. * Therefore, the amount of water needed to fill the 5-liter can three times is x = 2 + 5 + 2 = 9 liters. * Since we poured two liters of water from the 5-liter can into the 3-liter can in the last step, the remaining water in the 5-liter can must be 9 - 2 = 1 liter.


Using the method described above, it is possible to measure 1 liter accurately using two cans with capacities of 5 liters and 3 liters. This technique is particularly useful in situations where standard measuring instruments are not readily available and demonstrates the practical application of volume displacement in everyday problem-solving.

Có 2 Can 5L Và 3L Làm Thế Nào Để Đong Được 1L
